Our goal is to provide true player development programs for all junior golfers through world-class coaching, strategic practice plans, and access to all the premium technology and resources at an affordable cost.
We customize the program for each group based on their age and ability level. One of our core principles is to provide “game like” training to compliment traditional golf instruction. This type of practice translates to better performance on the golf course. We always try to provide valuable insight, education and coaching while keeping it simple and fun with games and competitions.
The same principles apply to golfers of all skill levels and my passion is helping golfers of all ages and ability levels understand this process and implement into their game quickly.

Beginner kids golf, ages 13-under. Focused on teaching kids new to the game the funamentals and etiquette.-
1-Hour Weekly Practice
US Kids Golf Learning Program
Fun Games & Drills
Learn The Rules & Etiquette
Private Online Training Space
50% Off Additional Private Lessons
SAVE $100 Monthly
3-month minimum commitment
*Seasonal PGA Junior League. Academy members receive discount on PGAJL tournament costs
*Additional discounts on seasonal kids camps

The JV Group is intermediate level, focused on high school golf preparation or take their game to tournament golf.-
30-minute Private Lesson Monthly
1-Hour Weekly Practice
(5) Practice Bay Hours Monthly
Fundamental Drills & Coaching
Preparation to play tournament golf
Private Online Training Space
50% Off Additional Private Lessons
SAVE $335 Monthly
3-month minimum commitment
*Seasonal PGA Junior League. Academy members receive discount on PGAJL tournament costs
*Additional discounts on seasonal kids camps

The Varsity Group is led by former NCAA golf coach JJ Wood. Advanced junior golf training program for competitive junior golfers. Players gain access to elite player development resources to improve their game.-
1-Hour Game Evaluation Monthly
2-hour Practice Weekly
(10) Additional Practice Bay Hours
Game Like Practice
On Course Play With Coaching
Tournament Prep & Scheduling
Private Online Training Space
50% Off Private Lessons
Stat Tracking Software
SAVE $605 monthly
3-month minimum commitment
*If interested in the college recruiting mentorship, please request more details.
Junior golfers can select the appropriate group for their ability level below and join a class today! If you are unsure what junior group is best for you, please set up a game evaluation, and we will suggest the appropriate group at the end of the lesson. The practice groups are strategically designed with drills and competitions tailored to their ability level.
We use customize programs and a variety of tools to track progress in all areas of the game.